Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day Twelve: Two Miles Until a Life Massacre

Not much happened today. Jonathan needed to car to go to Drill, so Hilary and I were stuck at home. We started out the day by waking up. The most important step, in my opinion. Then, we had to hurry and put some corned beef, carrots, and potatoes in a crock pot so it would be ready for dinner. We succeeded. We then celebrated by having lunch, which was a good prize.

Since the dining room has been crowded with boxes lately, Hilary and I transported some up into the computer room to make more room. But when we came upstairs with the second round, the computers caught our attention and distracted us, so the rest of the boxes are still down there. Whoops...

After goofing off a bit online, Hilary suggested that we take a walk. As normal, I complained. But eventually, we headed out the door. And let me tell you, even though it was cooler than yesterday, the humidity made it seem ten degrees hotter. Maybe it was just me. That's always a possibility, but by the time we had finished our two miles, I was as red as a lobster and as hot as the sun.

We cooled off in the car as we went to pick up mom from work. After we got home, Hilary and I took out the game of Life and put together different scenarios of tragic massacres. Three-car-pileups covered the game board with scattered peg-people in and out of cars. It was quite tragic. We even took pictures. Because we're that awesome.

Once that was over, dinner was ready, so we cleared off most of the table and we were actually able to eat dinner as one big family! It was nice to be together, eating extremely tasty food. After dinner, Hilary and I headed upstairs and watched a movie called "Cellular". It's about this woman who gets kidnapped and manages to put a smashed phone together and call some random guy who just so happens to be in the area. So he stays on the phone with her the whole time and tries to save her and her family. It's quite good, with a side of humorous.

And now here we are, Hilary is probably being bored on the internet, because I struggled with writers block for like, ten hours. But I finally managed to get this out, sorry if it's lame. ;D And now it's 2:30, so I think I should probably go to bed. Thanks for reading!


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